Dr. Chris Hume-Phillips
Human/Animal Chiropractor
BSc, M.Chiro, Post Grad Dip Animal Chiro
Bio Essentials
2016 - Diploma WHS
2015 - Cert IV WHS
1999 - Grad Dip Animal Chiropractic - RMIT
1991 - M. Chiro - Macq
1989 - B Sc(Anatomy) - UNSW
P.I. Insurance includes cover for animal chiropractic.
Professional Background
Human/animal chiropractic practice for over 30years
Excellent working relationships with a number of South Australian veterinarians
Practices include animal consulting at Adelaide Plains Vet Surgery
Aside from private reading (journals, texts etc) and collaboration with vets, subscribe to Sydney Uni's Centre for Veterinary Education as part of ongoing self-directed professional development and learning (There is no structured CPD learning available for allied animal health care at this stage).
You'll find me very approachable, and always happy to meet new referring veterinarians in person.
If you have any questions, or just want to catch up over a coffee, don't hesitate to get in touch.